Sunday, September 11, 2011


Synopsis : This course is intended to enhance students' understanding of epistemological, social and ethical issues in science and technology and its relation to education.

Brief history (including various definition of science) and philosophy of science and technology will be discussed .

Students will be required to discuss critically the social and ethical implications of the advancement of science and technology to the society and their effects on the environment.

The relationships between science, technology and society (STS) and the role of education will be highlighted.


Philosophy can be generally defined as a study of the nature of being and thinking, and more specifically of the human experience in four main areas:

1. Logic - the study of formal structure of arguments and reasoning

2. Metaphysics - the study of nature of being and reality - the theory of reality

3. Epistemology - the theory of knowledge (TOK) - study the origin,validity and limitation of knowledge

4. Ethics (axiology) - the study of moral/ethical issues (good, right, beauty, values, etc) and

Epistemology ( from Greek word episteme means knowledge, logos - the study) is a branch of philosophy (love of wisdom)
that inquires about the sources/origin of human knowledge (eg science - physics, chemistry,biology, mathematics; arts- geography, history, economics, politics, psychology, etc), the role of experience and reasoning in generating knowledge (rationalistic and empiricistic), the changing forms of knowledge that arise from new conceptualizations, its potential and possible limits, and to what extent it can be certain ( exact) or only probable, the question meaning and truth, the question of validity, objectivity, subjectivity, and scepticism/confident doubter/the theory of doubt etc.

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