Thursday, July 7, 2011



AREA 1 : Vision,mission,educational goals and learning outcomes (eg involvement of stakeholders,intensity of involvement, feedback for improvement, OBE implementation etc)

AREA 2 : Curriculum design and delivery (eg representation/ involvement of stakeholders, T&L methods, benchmarking, PEO and PO etc)

AREA 3 : Assessment of students (eg process/ methods, soft skills, application of data for improvement etc)

AREA 4 : Student selection and support services (eg criteria, quality of students, academic support, students activities/development programmes, health, sports and recreation, counselling accommodation, etc)

AREA 5: Academic staff (eg qualification and experiences, development/training plan, workload, teacher-student ratio, mentoring system, succession plan etc)

AREA 6: Educational resources ( eg infrastucture(physical), library, teaching aids, ICT facilities (hotspots, e-learning etc), resource centre, labs, etc)

AREA 7 : Programme monitoring and review (eg monitoring procedures, involvement of stakeholders, utilisation of monitoring findings for programme review etc)

AREA 8 : Leadership, governance and administration (eg structure of governance, appraisal system, best practices, non-academic/supporting staff, security and safety, QMS (eg ISO, TQM, 5S etc), internal and external assessors/advisors, satisfaction indexs (on facilities, by students, staff ans employers), employability, awards and recognitions etc)

AREA 9 : Continual quality improvement (CQI) (eg inculcation of quality culture, CQI of all areas above, implementation of programme review etc)

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