Sunday, February 13, 2011


Metacogniton means thinking about thinking ie thinking about one's own thinking process or
knowledge about our own cognitive processes.

It is the ability to monitor one's current level of understanding (self-monitoring) and determine when it is not adequate, be aware of the improvements needed(self-awareness) or correct/modify the faulty thinking involved(self-corrective actions).

Metacognition involves self reflection is an important part of an active learning especially in solving mathematical problems which supports the development of critical and creative thinking skills.

Main operations of metacognition (for example in solving mathematical problem by using Polya Model - understand the problem, device/select a plan/strategy, carry out the plan and looking back ) are planning, executing/implementing, monitoring and evaluating.

Ideally, students should be able to assess their thinking before(do I know what to do?- given data, what to find? , during (am I on the correct track? - using right formula/method?- should I consider alternatives?) and after a problem solving process ( Is the answer correct/reasonable?- check the solution).

In other words it is a self-regulated/controlled or self-directed of learning which promotes independent learners among the students. Metacognition is just as any skill, it improves with practice.

Metacognitive skills can be develop through cooperative learning/group work where students can think aloud( describe precisely their thinking), sharing their thought via description and/or visual representation with other students in the group.

Examine a mathematics textbook (choose one problem in form 4 mathematics), design teaching and learning activities which incorporate metacognitive skills in that lesson.

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