Introduction :
The meaning of ethics - related to main concepts such as good, right, values, obligation, freedom, rationality and choice (generally amount the same thing as morality of people - the difference is not always clear)
Various kinds of ethics - eg medical ethics, legal ethics, business ethics, political ethics, social ethics,
science, engineering and technological ethics, computer/ICT ethics etc.
Science, engineering and technological ethics : 2 dimensions
Ethics in science, engineering and technology - refer to the practices of scientist,engineers and technologists
eg honesty, integrity
Ethics of science, engineering and technology - refer to the relation/impact/contribution of scientists,
and technologists to the society
ie improving quality of life, productivity (agricultural,
manufacturing etc),
economic growth, services etc
- health, safety, environment, green technology, sustainability
/re-cyclying etc
Ethical issues and dilemmas/controversial issues related to the development of science and technology
(some examples)
1. risks and benefits - a question of balance? eg drugs, nuclear energy,chemicals etc
2. economic (eg industrial development) - air pollution, water pollution, hazardous wastes etc
3. ICT development - information safety, privacy, piracy etc
4. social issues - poor and rich, availability, rural and urban, exploitation etc
5. political issues - under developed and developed countries- globalization, military, war etc
6. natural resources (fossil resources eg oil, gas, coal ) - present consumption and future needs (vis- a- vis population growth).
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