Monday, March 2, 2015

kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dlm matematik - ketibaan makna

DRP highlight teaching and learning activities in the field of education the knowledge whatsoever about what to do when there is a meaning to arrival (the arrival of meaning) about something (eg a concept) kedlm soul / conscience man.

Similarly in mathematics that involves various concepts DRP easy KPD hard and complex. somebody told students understand the meaning kedlm when they reached him.

Apa buktinya?
Various data can work with them antaranya pelajar dapat menerangkan dgn jelas makna sesuatu konsep itu dan dpt menggunakan konsep dan kemahiran yg berkaitannya dlm proses penyelesaian masalah.
Discuss dgn contoh contoh yg sesuai mengenai pernyataan diatas.