Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hints PPS 2883:

1. Baca semua bahan nota kuliah 14 minggu (sbg asas) dgn rujukan tambahan sendiri

2. Konsep rekabentuk kurikulum
3. Langkah langkah pembinaan kurikulum matematik
4. Model model kurikulum matematik
5. Perspektif matematik dan rekabentuk kurikulum
6. Kurikulum matematik KBSM dan Sekolah Bestari
7. Kurikulum berasaskan OBE /pendidikan berasaskan hasil
8. Kurikulum matematik di negara negara maju eg UK dan USA
9. Penambahbaikan kurikulum matematik
10. Kurikulum terkini dan masa depan

11. Pilih 4 soalan sahaja (masa 3 jam)

Hints MPS 1163:

1. Baca semua bahan nota kuliah 14 minggu (sbg asas) dgn rujukan tambahan sendiri

2. Isu epistemologi, sosial dan etika dlm sains dan teknologi
3. Sains sbg suatu falsafah dan pendekatan pengajarannya
4. Evolusi/fasa perkembangan sains dan pengaruhnya thd pendidikan sains
5. Pemikiran saintis dan teknologis
6. Kemahiran berfikir dan kemahiran saintifik
7. Konsep sains, teknologi dan masyarakat (STS) dan pendidikan
8. Model kurikulum sains, teknologi dan masyarakat (STS)
9. Pengajaran sains berasaskan konteks sosial dan teknologi
10. Pendidikan sains dan teknologi untuk kesejahteraan sosial dan ketinggian etika

11. Pilih 4 soalan shj ( masa 3 jam)

Hints SPS4342:

1. Baca semua bahan nota kuliah 14 minggu (sbg asas) dgn rujukan tambahan sendiri

2. Perspektif matematik dan kaitannya dgn P&P
3. Aktiviti aktiviti utama dlm P&P matematik
4. Teori tingkahlaku dan kognitif dlm pendidikan matematik
5. Pendidikan matematik KBSM dan Sekolah Bestari
6. Pendekatan konstruktivis dlm P&P matematik
7. Metakognitif dlm pendidikan matematik
8. Pembelajaran kooperatif dlm P&P matematik
9. Kajian tindakan dlm pendidikan matematik
10. Isu dan trend terkini dlm pendidikan matematik

11. Pilih 4 soalan shj ( masa 2 jam)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011



Science and technology in itself is neutral- in whatever forms and usage, it should always be for the betterment of humankind. Science as a "tool" for better understanding of natural phenomena whereas technology as a "tool" for example to increase productivity and reduce cost of production in any types of industries.

Although the development of science and technology has a lot of advantages especially
in the present context of knowledge-based technology intensive culture, the questions of moral values and ethics are very essential and central so its will require an increasing emphasis on the teaching of values, moral and ethics in the school.

The question of values and ethics should be of major concern at all levels of education, for example the realization that the misplaced or misused of military technology may result in human tragedy, advancement in genetic engineering (eg human cloning or transfer of genes etc) may conflict with moral values and ethics of the society,
negative impact of ICT /internet such as pornography, security, plagiarism and piracy; mass destruction by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, problems related to global warming or greenhouse effect, intellectual property rights, and so on.

How to minimize negative impact of science and technological advancement through education?

New education movement- expanded concept of humanism philosophy:

The first and the most important principle of this education movement is the doctrine of individual responsibility - each individual is responsible for everything he or she does. It is an ethical philosophy that elevates the individual to the global level, for example we are all responsible for preserving the environment, avoiding nuclear warfare, eliminating poverty, face the challenge of extremism, terrorism , intolerance, etc.

In other words science and technological education philosophy should primarily concern with our humanity - ie with our worth as individuals and with the processes that will make us more human and more civilized through self- regulated moral philosophy.

Discuss critically the implementation and the challenges of humanism philosophy in the context of science and technological education in Malaysia.

Choose one article on moral and ethical issues in science and technology from any international journal and summarize it to at least five main points.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



There are four levels of curriculum process:

1. Intended/planned/written/formal curriculum
2. Implemented/interpreted/taught curriculum
3. Assessed/tested curriculum
4. Attained/learned curriculum

Evaluation is the process of obtaining necessary information/data for making judgments or decisions about the curriculum (including the written curriculum, subject matter, T&L, assessment, resources etc) as whether to maintain, revise, realign, improve, or to replace the existing curriculum (which maybe outdated) with a new one.

There are three main purpose of curriculum evaluation :

1. To investigate whether the curriculum as designed, planned and implemented is producing the desired results/outcomes (eg better student performance, contribution to the national , human development etc).

2. To provide constant/regular feedback or identify problems and propose possible solutions during the implementation of the curriculum.

3. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum after the implementation of the whole curriculum.

Changes in society, advances in science and technology as well as in the subject matter, new understandings about students and learning, new demands from stakeholders (such as employers and government) etc may result in the need of curriculum change (depending on the scale of change; improvement/re-alignment (small)/reformation (medium)/transformation/engineering (major) - discuss with examples

Comprehesive curriculum evaluation should be done periodically (eg 5 year-cycle) and the process of re-designing (repeat the process of designing ) the curriculum should be based on evidences/data-driven or research findings.

There are two main types of curriculum evaluation:

1. Summative evaluation
2. Formative evaluation

Summative evaluation (sometimes called terminal, product or outcome evaluation) is conducted "at the end" of the curriculum implementation process in order to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a planned curriculum .

Formative evaluation (sometimes called continuous or ongoing evaluation) is conducted during (such as in a number of intermediate points) the curriculum implementation process
in order to obtain a feedback or a guide that can be used to "form" a better finished product.

Both evaluations are necessary depending on the purposes, time and level of generalization/the ways on how evaluation results being used.

If you are given a task to suggest for curriculum improvement from the implementation of mathematics curriculum in your school, describe what steps need to be taken in order to complete your task?